Sitemap - 2015 - A Diet of Brussels: EU-UK relations post-Brexit

Ep107: What did we learn from the 17 December European Council?

Ep106: Could we replace the EU with a patchwork of agreements?

Ep105: What do people think about the referendum?

Ep104: What can we expect from the 17 Dec European Council?

Ep103: Do the Danes get a special deal?

Ep102: Do we need treaty change to secure the renegotiation?

Ep101: What's in Donald Tusk's letter to the European Council?

Ep100: What is euroscepticism?

Ep99: what about this Danish referendum vote against the EU?

Ep98: Does globalisation make the single market irrelevant?

Ep97: What voice do people have in the EU?

Ep96: Does the EU homogenise everything?

Ep95: What is Schengen?

Ep94: What happens if 16/17yr-olds get to vote in the referendum?

Ep93: Does the EU have a mutual defence provision?

Ep92: Could Parliament have a veto over bits of EU legislation?

Ep91: Do EU officials always want more integration?

Ep90: What's the Danish opt-out model?

Ep89: What's new in Cameron's letter to Tusk?

Ep88: Our sixth-month review!

Ep87: How important is Germany in the renegotiations?

Ep86: Can we have two referendums?

Ep85: What's the Ioannina Compromise?

Ep84: Why didn't the UK get involved in the start of the EEC/EU?

Ep83: Why do governments tie their hands?

Ep82: What's the impact of the Polish elections?

Ep81: What's the difference between 'Europe' and 'the EU'?

Ep80: What have we learnt from the SNP party conference?

Ep79: What did we learn from the 15 October European Council?

Ep78: what can we expect from the 15 October European Council?

Ep77: Where's the risk in relation to the EU?

Ep76: What are EU-Swiss relations like?

Ep75: What are EU-Norwegian relations like?

Ep74: What do we know about Stronger In?

Ep73: What do we know about Vote Leave?

Ep72: What do we know about Leave.EU?

Ep71: What have we learnt from the Conservative party conference?

Ep70: why are British universities positive about the EU?

Ep69: Is the UK bound by EU law?

Ep68: What's the 'Spanish Protocol'?

Ep67: what have we learnt from the Labour party conference?

Ep66: What have we learnt from the UKIP party conference?

Ep65: what have we learnt from the Green party conference?

Ep64: Interview guide to Minor (63)

Ep63: Interview with Jacqueline Minor (European Commission)

Ep62: Can member states be forced to accept things they voted against?

Ep61: What have we learnt from the LibDem conference?

Ep60: What does Cameron want on Welfare Reform?

Ep59: What does Cameron want on Fairness?

Ep58: What does Cameron want on Competitiveness?

Ep57: What does Cameron want on Sovereignty?

Ep56: What does Cameron want from the renegotiation?

Ep55: What's TTIP?

Ep54: Why doesn't the EU just sort out the refugee crisis?

Ep53: Why does Corbyn hesitate about the EU?

Ep52: what did we learn from Juncker's State of the Union address?

Ep51: How's the renegotiation going?

Ep50: Interview Guide to Bijsmans (48) and Shackleton (49)

Ep49: Interview with Michael Shackleton (Maastricht University)

Ep48: Interview with Patrick Bijsmans (Maastricht University)

Ep47: Interview Guide to Booth (44), Oxley (45) & Towler (46)

Ep46: Interview with Gawain Towler (UKIP)

Ep45: Interview with Robert Oxley (Business for Britain)

Ep44: Interview with Stephen Booth (Open Europe)

Ep43: What's been happening over the summer?

Ep42: Interviews!!

Ep41: What about younger voters?

Ep40: Why are there only two options on the ballot paper?

Ep39: Would Jeremy Corbyn's election kill off the Yes campaign?

Ep38: Is it all a stitch-up?

Ep37: Do the events in Calais call into question free movement in the EU?

Ep36: What's the link between immigration and the EU?

Ep34: Can Cameron keep adding things to the negotiation list?

Ep33: What can we learn from the Eurogroup agreement on Greece?

Ep32: What can we learn from the Greek referendum?

Ep31: What happened at the 25 June European Council?

Ep30: What will happen at the 25 June European Council?

Ep29: how many referendum campaign groups can there be?

Ep28: Can member states block developments they don't like?

Ep27: Who does David Cameron need to convince?

Ep26: What is subsidiarity?

Ep25: What is 'Ever Closer Union'?

Ep24: Why does the EU waste money on agriculture?

Ep23: Is this referendum just about what business wants?

Ep22: Does Cameron need to whip his Cabinet?

Ep21: If the UK left the EU, what would happen to sport?

Ep20: Doesn't the EU lose lots of money through fraud?

Ep19: Does what happens in Greece matter for the UK's referendum?

Ep18: Who's going to lead the Yes and No campaigns?

Ep17: How do Human Rights fit into this?

Ep16: What the different actors trying to achieve?

Ep15: What does the EU Referendum Bill tell us?

Ep14: why is the EU so ineffectual?

Ep13: who's on the yes campaign?

Ep12: How does this compare to other referenda on the EU?

Ep11: How does this compare to the 1975 referendum?

Ep9: What's Nigel Farage going to do in the referendum?

Ep8: What kind of deal does the UK already get?

Ep10: What's the timetable?

Ep7: What does the EU actually do?

Ep2: Where is Brussels?

Ep3: Bananas!

Ep4: Why are we having a referendum?

Ep5: What's the referendum going to be about?

Ep6: Who makes decisions about what's renegotiated?

Episode 1: an odd start